We are a small but mighty family church,
and we'd love to welcome you
to our spiritual journey of love and service where Christ is Central to all we do!
Come as you are.
God already loves you, and so do we.
Some of us dress casually, others in business attire, and some dress to the nines!
Dress comfortably!
Doors open at 9:15 for Coffee and Donuts
Adult Sunday School begins around 9:30 (soft start time)
Men's class in-person only, in the Parlor
Pastor's class in the Genesis Room & via Zoom
Choir warms up at 10:30 (It's fun--join us!)
Worship begins with announcements at 10:45 am and includes a Children's Message
Children's Sunday School begins after the message
A nursery is available for our smallest children
All ages and stages of God's children are always welcome to stay and worship together with us!
1st Sundays we celebrate the Lord's Table and enjoy our monthly potluck and birthday celebration afterwards.
5th Sundays we sing hymns chosen by the congregation and the children collect our Change for Change offering.