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Music Ministries

The Music Ministries at Central Presbyterian Church offer opportunities for the entire family to participate. College students are most welcome to join our Choir and make CPC your Waco church home. Praising the Lord through music can be a very uplifting and meaningful experience. If you have a desire to share your gift of music with our faith family, we have a place for you! Contact Derick Etale, our Director of Music Ministries, for more information.

Worship Service

Our 10:45 a.m. worship service on Sunday mornings uses a blended style of music. Selections vary from the classics to newly composed music. We enjoy singing hymns that connect with the overall theme of the worship service. Throughout the year there are special worship services in which music is primary, with the congregation choosing hymns to sing on the fifth Sundays.  Central celebrates an annual Gospel Service, and is continually working to expand the worship experience through growing our music program.  

Adult Music

Ordinarily, the Sanctuary Choir meets on Wednesday evenings throughout the year under the direction of Derick Etale. Our accompanist is Mateusz Perz, and we have additional guest musicians throughout the year. The choir sings an anthem at the 10:45 a.m. worship service each week along with other special occasion music. A wide variety of anthems are selected from classical to newly composed music. We pride ourselves in being able to sing a variety of musical styles. High school singers through any age are welcome to join this choir. No audition is required. The ability to ‘match pitch’ and a desire to praise the Lord in song are all that is needed. New members are always welcome.


The Adult (High School and up) Handbell Choir meets on Wednesday evenings immediately after choir practice (usually from 6:30-7). They ring seasonal music during the worship services. A basic ability to read music is helpful. Beginners are welcome.


Instrumental musicians are also used along with the choir as well as with the organ. If you play an instrument, we can find a place in a worship service for you!

Our Organ & Piano

The new Reuter Pipe Organ was installed at Central Presbyterian Church in downtown Waco in the 1920’s for about $8,500 after many bake sales and other collection efforts. It included 12 ranks of pipes, the chimes and the console (key and pedal board). The pipes, about 700 in number, occupied the swell, great, and echo chambers. A beautiful new three manual console was built in the 1980’s.

In 2009, the organ was restored and enlarged for our redesigned sanctuary. It includes 20 ranks of pipes, chimes and the console. The pipes, now over 1200 in number, occupy the swell, great, and echo chambers. More recently, Central acquired a grand piano to complement the organ.  Our current accompanist, Mateusz Perz, is a master at providing wonderful music that enhances our praise and our encounter of the Divine.


We are thankful to God for these excellent instruments. Both will continue to be used to the glory of God and for the edification of God's people.


For more information about the music ministry at Central Presbyterian Church, please contact a member of the music staff:

Derick Etale, Director of Music Ministries


9191 Woodway Dr. 

Woodway, TX 76712

(254) 754-3544

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